
Friday Sep 07, 2018
Sudden Death Episode 4 - The One with the Closet Harley Quinn Fan
Friday Sep 07, 2018
Friday Sep 07, 2018
Sudden Death Episode 4 - The One with the Closet Harley Quinn Fan
Hosts - Alex Cooze and Sam Powell
Sam Powell joins the show to talk about the Days of Future Past event, Big ROC Online updates, Net-Decking, Preparing for the ROC Cup and more!
Click 1: ROC Online Updates
Click 2: Net-Decking, Meta Tiers and the Ultimate Sacrifice
Click 3: Buy, Sell, Hold - Golden Age is back!
Click 4: Final Thoughts
Any input is more than welcome. Any interesting topics or awesome comments in the comments will get a shout out on our next episode, and if we REALLY like your topic, we may ask you to guest host! Follow us on Facebook for updates between episodes. If you're hosting a ROC or want to see a major tournament event get some love, PM us or find us on Facebook or Twitter
Clixed Off is everywhere! Follow us on-
Facebook Discussion Group-
@ClixedOff on Twitter
@clixedoff On Instagram
Clixed OFF Twitch Stream-
Clixed Off YouTube channel-
Discord channel
Howard and Lucky Dice Games are valued sponsors of Clixed Off.
Take a look at Howard's store, Lucky Dice Games at –
and http://luckydicecafe.ionsuite.com/
Big Bang Toys Comics and Games are also a valued Sponsor of Clixed Off.
Find them at-
and at
View recent ROC results and information at- http://roc.ionsuite.com/
Thanks for listening and tune in next time!
Intro and Outro music written by Derrick Lewis!

Monday Aug 27, 2018
Episode 85 – Mutant Plague
Monday Aug 27, 2018
Monday Aug 27, 2018
PARENTAL ADVISORY: This podcast is by adults and intended for adults. It contains harsh language and harsher opinions. Viewer Discretion is advised
Episode 85 – Mutant Plague
Hosts: Daniel, Jason, Lane
In this episode we go over the basics of the X-Men theme team going into ROC Cup and how to prep your team against this potent combo.
Any input is more than welcome. Any interesting topics or awesome comments in the comments will get a shout out on our next episode, and if we REALLY like your topic, we may ask you to guest host! Follow us on Facebook for updates between episodes. If you're hosting a ROC or want to see a major tournament event get some love, PM us or find us on Facebook or Twitter
Clixed Off is everywhere! Follow us on-
Facebook Discussion Group-
@ClixedOff on Twitter
@clixedoff On Instagram
Clixed OFF Twitch Stream-
Clixed Off YouTube channel-
Discord channel
Howard and Lucky Dice Games are valued sponsors of Clixed Off.
Take a look at Howard's store, Lucky Dice Games at –
and http://luckydicecafe.ionsuite.com/
Big Bang Toys Comics and Games are also a valued Sponsor of Clixed Off.
Find them at-
and at
View recent ROC results and information at- http://roc.ionsuite.com/
Thanks for listening and tune in next time!
Intro and Outro music written by Derrick Lewis!

Saturday Aug 25, 2018
Episode 84 – Nailed It
Saturday Aug 25, 2018
Saturday Aug 25, 2018
PARENTAL ADVISORY: This podcast is by adults and intended for adults. It contains harsh language and harsher opinions. Viewer Discretion is advised
Episode 84 – Nailed It
Hosts: Daniel, Jason, Dave
In this back to the Basics EP, the guys share their thoughts on the most true to comic versions of characters that have been Clixed.
Any input is more than welcome. Any interesting topics or awesome comments in the comments will get a shout out on our next episode, and if we REALLY like your topic, we may ask you to guest host! Follow us on Facebook for updates between episodes. If you're hosting a ROC or want to see a major tournament event get some love, PM us or find us on Facebook or Twitter
Clixed Off is everywhere! Follow us on-
Facebook Discussion Group-
@ClixedOff on Twitter
@clixedoff On Instagram
Clixed OFF Twitch Stream-
Clixed Off YouTube channel-
Discord channel
Howard and Lucky Dice Games are valued sponsors of Clixed Off.
Take a look at Howard's store, Lucky Dice Games at –
and http://luckydicecafe.ionsuite.com/
Big Bang Toys Comics and Games are also a valued Sponsor of Clixed Off.
Find them at-
and at
View recent ROC results and information at- http://roc.ionsuite.com/
Thanks for listening and tune in next time!
Intro and Outro music written by Derrick Lewis!

Sunday Aug 12, 2018
Episode 83 – Drink from the (ROC) Cup
Sunday Aug 12, 2018
Sunday Aug 12, 2018
PARENTAL ADVISORY: This podcast is by adults and intended for adults. It contains harsh language and harsher opinions. Viewer Discretion is advised
Episode 83 – Drink from the (ROC) Cup
Hosts: Daniel, Jason, Dave and Special Guest Howard Brock
Howard Brock joins the guys to give us a full update on everything ROC and ROC Cup related. Tons of great information shared on this EP.
Any input is more than welcome. Any interesting topics or awesome comments in the comments will get a shout out on our next episode, and if we REALLY like your topic, we may ask you to guest host! Follow us on Facebook for updates between episodes. If you're hosting a ROC or want to see a major tournament event get some love, PM us or find us on Facebook or Twitter
Clixed Off is everywhere! Follow us on-
Facebook Discussion Group-
@ClixedOff on Twitter
@clixedoff On Instagram
Clixed OFF Twitch Stream-
Clixed Off YouTube channel-
Discord channel
Howard and Lucky Dice Games are valued sponsors of Clixed Off.
Take a look at Howard's store, Lucky Dice Games at –
and http://luckydicecafe.ionsuite.com/
Big Bang Toys Comics and Games are also a valued Sponsor of Clixed Off.
Find them at-
and at
View recent ROC results and information at- http://roc.ionsuite.com/
Thanks for listening and tune in next time!
Intro and Outro music written by Derrick Lewis!

Friday Jul 27, 2018
Sudden Death Episode 3 - The One With The Three Time ROC States Winner
Friday Jul 27, 2018
Friday Jul 27, 2018
PARENTAL ADVISORY: This podcast is by adults and intended for adults. It contains harsh language and harsher opinions. Viewer Discretion is advised
Sudden Death Episode 3 - The One With The Three Time ROC States Winner
Hosts - Alex Cooze and Lane Miller
Lane Miller joins the show to talk about Bounty Cards, ROC States, and why everyone should have more than four Wolverines, while Alex butchers a lot of names.
Click 1: Bounty Cards from Days of Future Past
Click 2: ROC States
Click 3: Buy, Sell, Hold - Wolverine, Bizarro Green Arrow and More!
Click 4: Final Thoughts
Any input is more than welcome. Any interesting topics or awesome comments in the comments will get a shout out on our next episode, and if we REALLY like your topic, we may ask you to guest host! Follow us on Facebook for updates between episodes. If you're hosting a ROC or want to see a major tournament event get some love, PM us or find us on Facebook or Twitter
Clixed Off is everywhere! Follow us on-
Facebook Discussion Group-
@ClixedOff on Twitter
@clixedoff On Instagram
Clixed OFF Twitch Stream-
Clixed Off YouTube channel-
Discord channel
Howard and Lucky Dice Games are valued sponsors of Clixed Off.
Take a look at Howard's store, Lucky Dice Games at –
and http://luckydicecafe.ionsuite.com/
Big Bang Toys Comics and Games are also a valued Sponsor of Clixed Off.
Find them at-
and at
View recent ROC results and information at- http://roc.ionsuite.com/
Thanks for listening and tune in next time!
Intro and Outro music written by Derrick Lewis!

Monday Jul 23, 2018
Episode 82 – Frozen Locations
Monday Jul 23, 2018
Monday Jul 23, 2018
PARENTAL ADVISORY: This podcast is by adults and intended for adults. It contains harsh language and harsher opinions. Viewer Discretion is advised
Episode 82 – Frozen Locations
Hosts: Daniel, Jason, Dave and Special Guest PJ Bolin
Daniel, Jason and Dave are joined by the Canadian National Champ PJ Bolin as we discuss his Nationals win and go over the Location mechanic in the BTAS Set.
Any input is more than welcome. Any interesting topics or awesome comments in the comments will get a shout out on our next episode, and if we REALLY like your topic, we may ask you to guest host! Follow us on Facebook for updates between episodes. If you're hosting a ROC or want to see a major tournament event get some love, PM us or find us on Facebook or Twitter
Clixed Off is everywhere! Follow us on-
Facebook Discussion Group-
@ClixedOff on Twitter
@clixedoff On Instagram
Clixed OFF Twitch Stream-
Clixed Off YouTube channel-
Discord channel
Howard and Lucky Dice Games are valued sponsors of Clixed Off.
Take a look at Howard's store, Lucky Dice Games at –
and http://luckydicecafe.ionsuite.com/
Big Bang Toys Comics and Games are also a valued Sponsor of Clixed Off.
Find them at-
and at
View recent ROC results and information at- http://roc.ionsuite.com/
Thanks for listening and tune in next time!
Intro and Outro music written by Derrick Lewis!

Thursday Jul 19, 2018
Episode 81 – NA x5 Batman
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
PARENTAL ADVISORY: This podcast is by adults and intended for adults. It contains harsh language and harsher opinions. Viewer Discretion is advised
Episode 81 – NA x5 Batman
Hosts: Daniel and Jason
Daniel and Jason give their thoughts and opinions on the new Batman set and answer listener questions.
Any input is more than welcome. Any interesting topics or awesome comments in the comments will get a shout out on our next episode, and if we REALLY like your topic, we may ask you to guest host! Follow us on Facebook for updates between episodes. If you're hosting a ROC or want to see a major tournament event get some love, PM us or find us on Facebook or Twitter
Clixed Off is everywhere! Follow us on-
Facebook Discussion Group-
@ClixedOff on Twitter
@clixedoff On Instagram
Clixed OFF Twitch Stream-
Clixed Off YouTube channel-
Discord channel
Howard and Lucky Dice Games are valued sponsors of Clixed Off.
Take a look at Howard's store, Lucky Dice Games at –
and http://luckydicecafe.ionsuite.com/
Big Bang Toys Comics and Games are also a valued Sponsor of Clixed Off.
Find them at-
and at
View recent ROC results and information at- http://roc.ionsuite.com/
Thanks for listening and tune in next time!
Intro and Outro music written by Derrick Lewis!

Friday Jul 13, 2018
Episode 80 – Northern Lights
Friday Jul 13, 2018
Friday Jul 13, 2018
PARENTAL ADVISORY: This podcast is by adults and intended for adults. It contains harsh language and harsher opinions. Viewer Discretion is advised
Episode 80 – Northern Lights
Hosts: Sam, Emily and Amber
The Women take over the Podcast for EP 80, they discuss Emily’s WKO win, Canadian Nationals and answer listener questions
Any input is more than welcome. Any interesting topics or awesome comments in the comments will get a shout out on our next episode, and if we REALLY like your topic, we may ask you to guest host! Follow us on Facebook for updates between episodes. If you're hosting a ROC or want to see a major tournament event get some love, PM us or find us on Facebook or Twitter
Clixed Off is everywhere! Follow us on-
Facebook Discussion Group-
@ClixedOff on Twitter
@clixedoff On Instagram
Clixed OFF Twitch Stream-
Clixed Off YouTube channel-
Discord channel
Howard and Lucky Dice Games are valued sponsors of Clixed Off.
Take a look at Howard's store, Lucky Dice Games at –
and http://luckydicecafe.ionsuite.com/
Big Bang Toys Comics and Games are also a valued Sponsor of Clixed Off.
Find them at-
and at
View recent ROC results and information at- http://roc.ionsuite.com/
Thanks for listening and tune in next time!
Intro and Outro music written by Derrick Lewis!

Tuesday Jul 03, 2018
Episode 79 – More Turtle Power
Tuesday Jul 03, 2018
Tuesday Jul 03, 2018
PARENTAL ADVISORY: This podcast is by adults and intended for adults. It contains harsh language and harsher opinions. Viewer Discretion is advised
Episode 79 – More Turtle Power
Hosts: Daniel, Lucas Tom Van Holland and Jay Solomon
Jay and Lucas join Daniel for the TMNT Unplugged set review. Daniel doesn’t like Mudman or does he?
Any input is more than welcome. Any interesting topics or awesome comments in the comments will get a shout out on our next episode, and if we REALLY like your topic, we may ask you to guest host! Follow us on Facebook for updates between episodes. If you're hosting a ROC or want to see a major tournament event get some love, PM us or find us on Facebook or Twitter
Clixed Off is everywhere! Follow us on-
Facebook Discussion Group-
@ClixedOff on Twitter
@clixedoff On Instagram
Clixed OFF Twitch Stream-
Clixed Off YouTube channel-
Discord channel
Howard and Lucky Dice Games are valued sponsors of Clixed Off.
Take a look at Howard's store, Lucky Dice Games at –
and http://luckydicecafe.ionsuite.com/
Big Bang Toys Comics and Games are also a valued Sponsor of Clixed Off.
Find them at-
and at
View recent ROC results and information at- http://roc.ionsuite.com/
Thanks for listening and tune in next time!
Intro and Outro music written by Derrick Lewis!

Friday Jun 29, 2018
Clixed Off Sudden Death Episode Two
Friday Jun 29, 2018
Friday Jun 29, 2018
PARENTAL ADVISORY: This podcast is by adults and intended for adults. It contains harsh language and harsher opinions. Viewer Discretion is advised
Sudden Death Episode 2 - Chasing Nationals
Hosts - Alex and Dan
Alex and Dan bring you up to date on the latest Heroclix News and Tournament Reports in this second episode of the brand new Clixed Off Sudden Death.
Click 1: Batman Chases, Clixed Off Classic, Houston Shootout
Click 2: Heroclix Nationals Top 4 Team Breakdown
Click 3: Buy, Sell, Hold - Avengers Infinity, IDs, and More!
Click 4: Final Thoughts
Any input is more than welcome. Any interesting topics or awesome comments in the comments will get a shout out on our next episode, and if we REALLY like your topic, we may ask you to guest host! Follow us on Facebook for updates between episodes. If you're hosting a ROC or want to see a major tournament event get some love, PM us or find us on Facebook or Twitter
Clixed Off is everywhere! Follow us on-
Facebook Discussion Group-
@ClixedOff on Twitter
@clixedoff On Instagram
Clixed OFF Twitch Stream-
Clixed Off YouTube channel-
Discord channel
Howard and Lucky Dice Games are valued sponsors of Clixed Off.
Take a look at Howard's store, Lucky Dice Games at –
and http://luckydicecafe.ionsuite.com/
Big Bang Toys Comics and Games are also a valued Sponsor of Clixed Off.
Find them at-
and at
View recent ROC results and information at- http://roc.ionsuite.com/
Thanks for listening and tune in next time!
Intro and Outro music written by Derrick Lewis!